Feedback and complaints
Your feedback is important to BM Certification as it allows us to improve the quality of our service. To submit your feedback, complaint, or appeal to BM Certification, please prepare it in accordance with the BM Certification Complaints Process guidelines.

BM Certification Feedback, complaint and appeal process
Please choose the most convenient way when submitting a review, complaint, or appeal:
By phone: +371 67772135;
By e-mail:;
By post:
BM Certification, SIA
Jūrkalnes iela 15,
Rīga, LV – 1046,
Please provide a clear description of your complaint, objective evidence to support each element or aspect of the complaint, and the name and contact information of the person submitting the complaint.
All complaints received by BM Certification are acknowledged, investigated, and followed-up on.
For more information on the Complaints process, please refer to:
All information you provide is used to improve BM Certification services, as well as to conduct further research to prevent problems that have arisen. BM Certification processes your personal data and information in accordance with GDPR requirements.
SCS Global Services
SCS Feedback and Complaints Process
BM Certification provides FSC certification services in cooperation with SCS Global Services.
Click here for the full SCS Global Services feedback and complaint process.
SCS Global Services investigates complaints and appeals in compliance with its Complaint and Appeal, and Dispute Procedure. In the case of complaints against the actions of an SCS client, the complainant should first attempt to resolve the issue with that client prior to requesting that SCS become involved. In the case of appeals, the appellant must lodge its appeal with SCS against any adverse decision taken by SCS within thirty (30) calendar days after notification of the decision.
IT: Fare clic qui per il feedback completo di SCS Global Services e il processo di reclamo.
CZ: Kliknutím sem zobrazíte celý proces zpětné vazby a stížností na SCS Global Services.
GE: დააჭირეთ აქ SCS გლობალური მომსახურების შესახებ გამოხმაურებებისა და საჩივრების სრული პროცესისთვის.
PL: Kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać pełną informację zwrotną dotyczącą usług globalnych SCS i proces składania skarg.
NL: Klik hier voor het volledige feedback- en klachtenproces van SCS Global Services.
FR: Cliquez ici pour consulter l’intégralité du processus de commentaires et de réclamation de SCS Global Services.
CN: 单击此处,获取完整的SCS全球服务反馈和投诉流程。
DE: Für weitere Informationen zum gesamten Beschwerde- und Einspruch Prozess klicken Sie bitte hier.
ES: Para obtener información sobre quejas y apelaciones en español, haga clic aquí.
BG: Щракнете тук за пълния процес на обратна връзка и оплаквания на SCS Global Services.
RO: Faceți clic aici pentru întregul proces de feedback și reclamații SCS Global Services.
RUS: Нажмите здесь, чтобы ознакомиться с полным процессом обратной связи и подачи жалоб SCS Global Services.
KZ: Толық SCS Global Services кері байланыс және шағым процесі үшін осы жерді басыңыз.