CE marking for load bearing steel and aluminum structures
From 1 July 2013, in accordance with REGULATION (EU) No 305/2011 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL (Construction Products Regulation), CE marking is in accordance with the harmonized standard EN1090-1: 1: 2009 + A12011 “Manufacture of steel and aluminum structures.
Part 1: Conformity assessment requirements for load bearing structural elements ”(hereinafter EN1090-1) is mandatory for products placed on the construction market in the European Union (EU).
This means that anyone who designs and / or manufactures steel and aluminum load bearing structures or components for the EU construction market must comply with the requirements of this standard. Failure to do so will result in the manufacturer not having the right to place these products on the market.

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What are the manufacturer’s requirements for standard EN 1090-1?
In order to place construction products with the CE marking on the market, manufacturers must first certify that the construction product and its production process control comply with the requirements of standard EN1090-1. As load bearing steel and aluminum structures and their components are hazardous to safety, standard EN1090-1 states that the entire production process must be controlled. This means that the manufacturer must describe and implement the production process control systems and obtain a Certificate of Conformity of the Factory Production Control issued by the Notified Body.
Only after obtaining the certificate is the manufacturer entitled to draw up a Declaration of Performance (DoP) and to affix the CE marking to load bearing steel and aluminum structures and their components. The declaration of performance is the legal document that the manufacturer supplies with the construction product when it is placed on the EU market.
Product standard EN1090-2: 2008 “design of steel and aluminum structures. Part 2: Technical requirements for steel structures’ specifies what is required for steel structures and components to meet specified requirements for mechanical strength, stability, serviceability and durability.
The standard defines four classes of performance (EXC – Execution Classes):
- EXC1 – eg agricultural buildings
- EXC2 – eg residential and commercial buildings
- EXC3 – eg bridges
- EXC4 – eg specific constructions (long span bridges, stadiums, etc.)
These classes are determined by the intended use of the structure and the possible consequences of its collapse. For performance classes EXC2, EXC3 and EXC4, all welding-related activities must be controlled by the Responsible Welding Coordinator (RWC).
How to obtain CE marking for load bearing steel and aluminum structures?
The Notified Body carries out an initial audit of the production process control system in the company. The purpose of the audit is to assess the compliance of the plant, the production control system and its documentation with the requirements of standard EN1090-1. In case of a positive assessment, the manufacturer obtains a Certificate of conformity of the Factory production control.
Thereafter, the notified body shall carry out annual surveillance audits of the production control system to make sure that the manufacturing control system ensures the declared performance of the construction products manufactured.
Why CE certification is needed?
Once the product has been marked with CE, the consumer can be sure that the products supplied meet at least the minimum performance requirements set out in the harmonized technical specification.
CE certification is required to certify the product’s in compliance with EU legislation and the requirements of harmonized European standards. Certification is a mandatory requirement for construction products to be sold on the internal market of the EU and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries.
By choosing the CE marking certification, you will:
- ensure the implementation and supervision of the production control process system;
- certify the quality and safety of your products, as well as their compliance with the requirements of regulatory enactments;
- increase the competitiveness of your company on the market by receiving the CE marking on your products and, thus, allowing their distribution in the internal market of the EU and EFTA countries;
- certify that the company’s products comply with EU legislation and the requirements of the relevant hEN standard(s);
- receive an independent third-party assessment, as well as a declaration of performance.
BM Certification, an accredited certification body, can provide CE marking certification services and, if needed, provide training on the requirements of the relevant standard(s).
Contact us for more details.