Certification process
We invite you to get acquainted with the BM certification certification process in order to better understand the process of obtaining the certificate, its maintenance, as well as, if necessary, the suspension process.

Applying for the certification
To apply for certification, you must fill out an application form. The application can be filled in by a organization representative, as well as by a BM Certification representative. Based on the completed application, BM Certification prepares a certification offer.
Mainly, the certification contract is concluded for 3 years, covering the entire certification cycle.
Stage 1 of the certification audit
The audit of the 1st stage of the certification is performed to make sure that the client has all the necessary documented information of the management system, as well as the circumstances of the client’s organization are evaluated and the readiness of the staff for the second stage of the certification audit is ascertained. During the audit, the auditor should verify the client’s readiness for the second-stage certification audit. All identified weaknesses need to be corrected until Stage 2 of certification audit.
The period between the Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits of the Certification shall not exceed 6 months. If this period is longer, then the Stage 1 audit must be repeated.
Stage 2 of the certification audit
The Stage 2 audit auditor assesses the practical performance of the system. The second stage audit is a full system audit.
If significant non-conformities are identified during the second stage audit, they must be corrected in order to make a certification decision, while non-significant non-conformities must be coordinated with the planned activities in order to eliminate them.
Surveillance audit
The surveillance audit must be carried out not later than 12 months after the date of issue of the certificate, preferably 9 months after the date of issue of the certificate. A surveillane audit may not be a full system audit.
Next surveillance and recertification audits should preferably be performed 12 months after the previous audit.
Recertification audit
Recertification audit is a full system audit. Recertification audit is performed to verify the continuing suitability and effectiveness of the management system, as well as its continuing suitability and applicability in the field of certification.
Other types of audits
Gap analysis or GAP
It is possible to perform a GAP analysis prior to the certification audit to identify any nonconformities that could delay or prevent certification. Gap analysis can usually be performed within one day.
Special audit
Special audit is performed if:
- Stage 2 of the certification audit has not been successful;
- There are nonconformities not closed in prescribed period;
- Expands or decreases branches of the client’s organization;
- The scope is expanding;
- There are complaints received.
Integrated audit
BM Certification can perform an integrated audit – including several management system standards in different combinations during one audit. Some standards are easier to integrate than others, and customers mostly choose to integrate ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 management systems.
Suspension of Certification
BM Certification has the right to suspend the client ‘s certification in case:
- The client’s certified system constantly does not meet the certification requirements;
- Surveillance audit was not performed in due time;
- The certified client does not closed significant nonconformities within the prescribed period;
- The certified client voluntarily proposes to suspend the certification;
- A certified client violates the terms of the contract, e.g. does not pay the audit invoice.
In case of suspension of certification:
- The Client must take corrective actions to eliminate the cause of the suspension of certification within the given period;
- The client must inform the clients of his organization about the suspension of certification;
- Do not conduct business transactions based on certification;
- The use of any promotional material that refers to suspended certification, including the use of certification marks, should be discontinued.
The suspension of certification may not exceed 6 months. This period may be exceeded if justified. After this period, the certification is withdrwn.
Withdrawal of certification
Certification is withdrawn if the client has not resolved the reasons for suspension of certification.
In case of withdrawn of certification:
- The customer must inform the customers of his organization about the withdrawnn of the certification;
- The customer is prohibited from conducting business transactions based on certification;
- The use of certification marks and promotional items referring to certification must be stopped immediately.
Cancellation of certification
The customer can cancel the certification at any time during the certification cycle. In order for the certification to be withdrawn, the customer must send a request to BM Certification.
Nonconformities are divided into 2 types: Major nonconformities and minor nonconformities.
Regardless of the significance of the non-compliance, the client must analyze the cause of the nonconformity as well as make corrections and eliminate the causes.
Major nonconformities must be correct within 3 months.
Minor nonconformities must be correct within 12 months (the auditor may set a shorter deadline).